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Cor Jesu Academy

30th Annual CJA Classic

Mark your calendars!

We are excited to host the 30th Annual Golf and Pickleball Classic at Sunset Country Club on Monday, October 7, 2024. Registration and lunch will start at 11:30a.m., followed by a shotgun start at 12:30p.m. Sign up today as an individual or with a foursome!

Register for Golf 

Back for it's second year: Pickleball! Grab a partner for drinks, buffet lunch, and pickleball for $150 per doubles team. 

Register for PickleBall

Unable to join us, but still want to support the Golf Classic? You can support Cor Jesu off-the-course by purchasing one or more golf balls to be dropped by Bolt onto the course. The ball that lands closest to the target will win $500! Bolt Ball Drop is open to everyone. Need not be present to win. 

Bolt Ball Drop

Interested in sponsoring the Cor Jesu Golf Classic? Click the button below for more information!

Sponsorship opportunities