Students can choose to participate from more than 35 co-curriculars, including clubs centered on faith, education, service, culture, leadership, career-exploration, drama, art, writing, government, social justice, diversity and special interests. All students are encouraged to get involved in what interests them to meet and work with others and further develop their talents and abilities.
- Art Club
- Benin Babies
- C.A.R.E. (Christian Action Reaching Everyone)
- Campus Ministry
- Charism Connection
- Classic Film Club
- Coding Club
- Corde Players
- Corette
- Cultural Diversity Club
- ECHO Club
- Fall Play
- FIRST Robotics Team
- Health and Wellness Club
- History Club
- Kino Club
- Language Clubs
- Litteratae / Book Club
- Mock Trial Team
- Music
- National Honor Society
- Pen Pals
- Photography Club
- Respect Life Club
- Scholar Bowl
- Social Justice Club
- Space Club
- Speech Team
- Strategy Board Games Club
- Student Council (STUCO)
- The Green Team
- Women of Color Club
Art Club
Benin Babies
Moderator: Mrs. April Remiger
Meetings: Once a month — listen for announcements
Benin Babies is a service club dedicated to serving the Apostles’ mission in Benin, Africa. This mission provides vaccination, care and education to young children who suffer from poor health and sub-standard living conditions. Members in this club will learn about cooperation, budgeting and the importance of service. Benin Babies is a fun club with a lot of great aspects, so come join us and help “save the babies!”
C.A.R.E. (Christian Action Reaching Everyone)
Moderator: Mrs. April Remiger
Meetings: Several general meetings each semester are required by all members. All members will participate in an ongoing committee, as well as one whole-club activity.
Who can join: Open to freshmen, sophomores, juniors and seniors, C.A.R.E. members work to improve the community through in-house service. We invite upper-classmen as leaders in order to give underclassmen guidance and opportunities to complete service without needing to drive off campus. Members are required to attend four general meetings per year and be active on service committees during the year.
Committees include: Katie’s Krew (make sandwiches for St. Patrick’s Center), Mother’s Helpers (making blankets for organizations that work with children), Benefit Musical (senior citizen night at the musical), Christmas and Easter drives, which collect gifts for the needy, as well as an 8th Grade Service Day. C.A.R.E. also sponsors dress down days to fund our outreach activities, in addition to performing other service work as needed.
Campus Ministry
Moderators: Sr. Veronica Marinari, ASCJ (director); Mrs. Carol Bauer
Meetings: Weekly
Cor Jesu Campus Ministry helps bring our Mission and Vision Statements to life, as we create “a caring community of young women, who accept and share God’s Love.” All students are welcome!
See the following clubs for more detailed Campus Ministry opportunities: CARE, Respect Life, and Social Justice.
Charism Connection
Moderator: Sr. Veronica Marinari
Meetings: Once a month
Charism Connection brings together juniors and seniors to further embrace and advance the charism of Clelia Merloni as they live the message of the Gospel in their own lives and share it with others.
In the hope of forming student leaders to share in the Apostles of the Sacred Heart’s role to advance Clelia’s charism in the school community, students meet periodically for service activities, spiritual growth activities and more.
Classic Film Club
Coding Club
Corde Players
Drama Club (Also known as I.T.S. International Thespian Society)
Moderator: Mrs. Amy Top
Meetings: Once-a-month in the Little Theater
Monthly meetings are filled with entertainment, including theater trivia and improv games. This club is actively involved with the Fall Play, along with the ever-popular Improvapalooza. If you love theater, you’ll love being a part of this club. ALL are welcome. (Those planning to participate in fall plays and spring musicals at Cor Jesu are expected to be active participants in Corde Players/ITS.)
School Newspaper
Moderator: Mrs. Peggy Monaco
Meetings: Meetings vary. General staff/assignment meeting once a month, but smaller meetings throughout the month for editors and layout staff.
Cor Jesu’s school newspaper, The Corette, is an extra-curricular opportunity for students to develop communications skills that allow a public forum for student expression through individual writing styles, voice, design, and photography. Four issues are digitally produced each year, but students are not required to participate on all four issues. Staff members are required to attend a general information and training meeting at the beginning of each issue. All grade levels are welcome to participate. Check out the website for examples of our digital issues.
Cultural Diversity Club
Moderators: Mr. John Schalda, Dr. Brian Hohlt and Mr. Jim Gioia
Meetings: Listen for announcements
The Cultural Diversity Club works to raise our levels of cultural awareness through meetings, displays, and events. We also seek to ensure an atmosphere of tolerance in our school and to provide a voice to marginalized students.
Fall Play
FIRST Robotics Team
Moderator: Mrs. Beth Hilton
Meetings: Listen for announcements
As members of R2JESU, CJ’s robotics team, students brainstorm, create and build their own robot to meet design criteria and compete with other schools in FIRST FRC competitions. In the process, the team members work collaboratively, while increasing their STEM confidence and ability. Many opportunities exist outside of STEM including marketing, photography, videography, writing, strategy and social media.
Health and Wellness Club
Moderators: Ms. Rachel Brcic and Ms. Laura Gantner
Meetings: Look for email announcements
The Health & Wellness Club is a student organization at Cor Jesu whose purpose shall be to encourage, stimulate and maintain interest in wellness and social issues. The mission of the Health & Wellness Club is to promote education and advocacy for health and wellness issues that affect the lives of the students of CJ and the community at large.
SUCH TOPICS WILL LIKELY INCLUDE: Red Ribbon Week (discussing and preventing drug and alcohol abuse), Suicide Prevention and Awareness Week, Eating Disorders Awareness Week, Positive Thinking Day, Stress Management and Confidence/Self-Esteem.
History Club
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Ahrens
Meetings: Listen for announcements
The CJA History Club (a chapter of the National History Club) meets for one hour after school one day each month. This year’s plans include at least three field trips! Possibilities include: a spring trip to the Renaissance Fair in St. Charles, the St. Louis Art Museum or Missouri History Museum to see artifacts or a film at the theater. Perhaps we’ll take a train ride to Springfield to visit Abraham Lincoln, or take an excursion on a river boat and a tour of a local lock and dam. The possibilities are endless! Bring your love for all things historical — we look forward to seeing you!
Kino Club
Moderators: Mr. Mark Tueth and Ms. Peggy McGraw
Meetings: Once a month
Rooted in Catholic teaching and promotion of social justice, the Kino Club seeks to understand the issues surrounding migration at the US-Mexico border and work to advance humane and just responses to migrants.
At meetings, the club attempts to learn more about the experience of migrants and immigration policy, engages in discussions, and plans service projects to help migrants.
All are eligible for participation
Language Clubs
Moderators: Language teachers
Meetings: Listen for announcements
Language clubs have 1-2 meetings per month, and sometimes an additional activity planned. Activities include parties at Christmas, Mardi Gras, and Saturnalia, and also field trips to local ethnic restaurants.
Litteratae / Book Club
The Literary Society of Cor Jesu Academy
Moderator: Dr. Elise Aasgaard
Meetings: Listen to announcements
Litteratae meets monthly to discuss favorite books, stories, poems, authors and cultural topics in a friendly, fun, and supportive atmosphere. Members will enjoy visits from guest speakers, readings by authors, creative projects, films and plays. We may also organize service projects that promote literacy and that provide books to people in need. All students who like to read and/or write creatively are welcome to join us!
Mock Trial Team
the “Legal Eagles”
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Ahrens
WHO CAN JOIN: Returning members form the core of each year’s Mock Trial team and coach the new members. If you think you like the law and the idea of being a lawyer, witness or investigator, and are a good organizer, writer, public speaker and/or actress—the Mock Trial Team wants YOU!
MEETINGS: One hour once a week after school and every other Sunday in the fall until November when we receive the case. After we have the case, we will meet weekly and on other mutually agreeable evenings to compose our arguments and examination questions, and rehearse our roles. Beginning late December, we scrimmage against other competing schools on various mutually agreeable evenings and weekends. In the third week of January and February, the team competes in an area wide BAMSL-sponsored Mock Trial tournament at the St. Louis County Courthouse.
Mock Trial is a team where, as in Scholar Bowl, each member of the team is responsible to the group to learn and master new information and skills for competition. In Mock Trial, we study the basics of the law, the basics of trial procedures and Mock Trial rules, and the case issued by BAMSL itself. We prepare our side of the trial two times, once as prosecution and once as defense. After we learn the basics of law and litigation, we will practice our new skills with a couple of “mock trials” like the trial of Jack (and the Beanstalk) Jones vs. the Giant. We plan to take a field trip to Jefferson City to see our state’s Supreme Court in session and/or see the local county or federal courts in session. We are coached by attorneys who are often parents and alumnae. We also scrimmage against other teams: veteran vs. rookie, our school vs. another like SLUH, Priory or Visitation. Finally, we compete twice, presenting each side of the case in turn, once in January and again in February. If we succeed, we go on to Regionals and then to STATE!
Moderator: Mrs. Kathleen Pottinger
Meetings: Chamber Singers rehearse every Monday from 2:45-4:00.
Dance Club rehearses every other Tuesday during first semester from 2:40-3:30 and every Tuesday during second semester from 2:40-4:00.
Chamber Singers
First and Second Semester
This auditioned ensemble sings a variety of advanced repertoire. Students auditioning must be able to hold their vocal part in a small groups of 2-4 singers. Chamber Choir sings at the Christmas and Spring Concerts as well as singing for various community events throughout the St. Louis area. Auditions will be held in August for fall semester and January for the spring semester. Students need only commit for one semester at a time.
First and Second Semester
This auditioned ensemble performs at the Spring Concert and at various events throughout the St. Louis area. Students interested in Dance Club should have strong dance skills and should be proficient in ballet, tap, jazz and contemporary styles. Auditions will be held in August.
National Honor Society
You excel. You serve. You lead. You succeed. You have a true thirst for challenge … and accomplishment. Membership in National Honor Society (NHS) may be an ideal fit for you!
You can become a member through a local selection process that concludes with induction into the school’s National Honor Society chapter. Through exclusive resources, programs, and services, members have a unique opportunity to prepare for college and career pursuits. Membership truly lays the groundwork for lifelong success.
Eligibility Requirements
Students in grades 10–12 who meet the requirements for membership outlined by our school’s chapter are eligible to ask for membership.
- Scholarship
Students must have a cumulative GPA 3.5 or higher to be eligible for NHS at Cor Jesu Academy - Service
This involves voluntary contributions made by a student to the school or community, done without compensation. We recommend applying with 20 or more hours of service. - Leadership
Student leaders are those who are resourceful, good problem solvers, and idea contributors. Leadership experiences can be drawn from school or community activities while working with or for others. We recommend applying with 20 or more hours of leadership. - Character
The student of good character is cooperative; demonstrates high standards of honesty and reliability; shows courtesy, concern, and respect for others; and generally maintains a clean disciplinary record.
Students who meet the scholarship requirement will have an opportunity to complete a form detailing their accomplishments in and commitment to service, leadership, and character. Students may submit membership forms each semester starting in January of their Sophomore year. They need apply just until admitted.
The link for the membership form is on OnCampus under GROUPS – NHS – TOPICS: Prospective Members
Understanding the Obligations of Membership
Students who accept membership and are inducted into the chapter should be aware of the time and commitment involved with this honor. For example, there will be chapter meetings/speakers twice a month – attendance is required. Members also must participate in chapter and individual service projects to benefit the school and community totaling 25 hours a year – including tutoring, office hours, two blood drives, two food drives, and outside hours at local charities. Contact the chapter adviser, Ms. Ahrens, or the NHS President, to obtain a full list of the obligations of membership for the school’s chapter.
Those 25 hours of service/leadership, meeting attendance, and maintaining a cumulative GPA of 3.5 or higher are required for continued membership in NHS. Failure to meet those requirements may result in removal from the Cor Jesu Academy Chapter of the National Honor Society.
Pen Pals
Moderator: Mrs. Andrea Reynolds
Meetings: Listen to announcements
Every week Pen Pals exchange letters with a group of grade school students to provide a “real-world” writing experience for the elementary students. At the end of the school year, the Pen Pals spend a fun-filled day together. Admission is limited but is available each fall to all students.
Photography Club
Moderator: Colleen Barry Weber and Alex Smith Adams (Owner of Birdeye Media)
Meetings: 1-2 times per month. Listen to announcements
This club is for students who are interested in learning about and practicing photography. With the help of CJA alumna, Alex Smith Adams ‘09, professional photographer and owner of Birdeye Media, we will learn different photography techniques and editing tools to create meaningful projects. Students will have the opportunity to sign up for photography assignments to potentially assist with CJA marketing materials.
Respect Life Club
Moderator: Mrs. Julie Hubbard
Meetings: The club meets the second Wednesday of the month. The board meets the Wednesday before.
The purpose of this club is to further the mission of "Sharing the Love of the Heart of Christ" through awarness, outreach and promotion of the culture of life. The club is involved with the March of Life, 40 Days for Life, Pro-Life Chalk Day, Pro-Life cupcake day, and other events and ministry programs throughout the school year.
Scholar Bowl
Moderator: Mrs. Katie Mulhall
Meetings: 1-2 times monthly. Tournaments on weekdays and Saturdays
Are you a Quiz Whiz? Join the team! Scholar Bowl is an academic competition team that competes against other local schools, with the MSHSAA Tournament in April as the culmination of the season. We participate in a private school league, weekly from mid-October until early December. We also play in some individual tournaments. All students are welcome to join the team on the JV or Varsity squad. During after-school meetings, we play practice rounds and other knowledge-based quiz activities. Team members are encouraged to become “experts” in various subjects through individual or group preparation.
Scholar Bowl is a Missouri High School Activities Association (MSHSAA) activity.
Social Justice Club
Moderator: Ms. Bridget Rush
Meetings: After school
Solidarity is based on the concept that we are all part of the same human family, regardless of our national, racial, ethnic, economic, and ideological differences. We meet during activity period or after school. Explore practical ways we at CJ can expand our worldview and compassion to include our brothers and sisters everywhere! We will go to workshops, prayer services, etc. hosted by other Catholic Schools in the St. Louis Archdiocese.
Space Club
Moderator: Ms. Jennifer Ahrens
Meetings: Once a month after school and one Saturday a semester for a field trip
Everyone is welcome!
At our one-hour monthly meetings we will talk about all things space going on around the world today and in the past. We will also work with space kits and watch space movies.
Other field trip options include the Challenger Learning Center St. Louis and the Space Museum in Bonne Terre, MO. Beyond that, we hope to make a trek to Space Camp or Johnson Space Center in Houston or Kennedy Space Center in Cape Canaveral over Spring Break once every four years.
Speech Team
Moderator: Mrs. Amy Top
Meetings: The speech team has meetings and practices averaging 2-3 times per month August through February.
All are welcome to participate in the Cor Jesu Speech Team. There
are four meets, each held on a Sunday in October, November, January and February. The speech team is a great way to get comfortable with performing and have fun too!
Strategy Board Games Club
Student Council (STUCO)
Moderators: Ms. Kim Cowan
This is an organization whose purpose is to develop attitudes and
practices of good citizenship, provide harmonious relations throughout the school, and promote the welfare and spirit of the school. STUCO members are elected by their class to represent the ideas and values of the class. Freshmen will elect their officers and class reps in the fall.
The Green Team
Moderators: Mrs. Rita Ryan, Ms. Jennifer Taylor and Mr. Larry Russell
Meetings: Once a month
A FEW OF THE ACTIVITIES INCLUDE: Recycling paper for the campus, participating in beautification projects for the school, Earth Day activities and conservation projects. Other activities are based upon the interest of the members of the group.
Women of Color Club
Moderator: Mrs. Danielle Harrison and Sr. Mahilia Roache, ASCJ
Meetings: 1-2 times per month
The Women of Color club is a place for Chargers to gather and share experiences, information, support and ideas in a safe environment. This club encourages young women at Cor Jesu to shine bright and empowers them to share their God-given gifts with each other and the larger Cor Jesu community.